Server Status
  War of Emperium
  Guild Rank
  Best of Class
  Player Rank

  Server Status
Server Connectivity: ONLINE
Official Server Time:
Uptime since restart: 4736 days 12 hours 32 minutes 19 seconds
Currently Online:0 characters online (most 324)

Server Rates: 100x base, 100x job, 20x drops
Max Levels: 99/50 for non-Transcended classes
255/120 for Transcended classes
255/120 for Extended classes
255/120 for Baby classes
Player Commands: @storage @gstorage @die @go @memo @petrename @party @time @date @serverdate @servertime @jailtime @refresh @pettalk @skilltree @autoloot @alootid @mobinfo @monsterinfo @mi @exp @rates @iteminfo @ii @whodrops @whereis @me @showexp @showzeny @showdelay @autotrade @at @changegm @changeleader @partyoption @invite @duel @leave @accept @reject @away @aw @main @commands @noask @request @homtalk @hominfo @homstats @auction @mail @noks @whosells @sleep @dance @pvpignore @pvpignorelist @pvpallow
War of Emperium: Monday: 5:00am - 7:00am (0500 - 0700)
Arunafeltz Guild (Rachel), Britoniah Guild (Geffen)
Wednesday: 9:00pm - 11:00pm (2100 - 2300)
Valkyrie Realm Guild (Prontera), Schwaltzvalt Guild (Yuno)
Saturday: 1:00pm - 3:00pm (1300 - 1500)
Luina Guild (Al De Baran), Greenwood Lake Guild (Payon)